Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Internal Medicine

Dear Me, Myself & I,

Please take a moment to remember that you have never, in fact, learned anything faster because your teacher sounded annoyed with you.  More pointedly, the more annoyed your teacher sounded the less likely you are to pay any attention in class or make any effort.

Since this is a fact that has proven itself true for 36 years, what makes you think your students are any different?

Loves, Yourself.


Dear Yourself,

So what I hear you saying is that I should stop being a lazy teacher and blaming my students for my own failures.  Gosh, that seems like a lot of work.

Me, Myself & I


Dear Me, Myself & I,

That's why they call it a job and that's why they pay you money.  If children could learn by osmosis we would just stick English books under their pillows and stop wasting our hard earned money on you.  Now quit being a lazy educator and listen to your students needs instead of getting annoyed just because they didn't catch it the first time you raced through the lesson.   That's why you have 40 minutes to teach and not 15.  This is about ALL the students learning, not just the smart ones.

Best of luck,


Dear Yourself,

Hum, you sound a bit annoyed with me that I didn't listen to you the first time around.  Does it bother you that you've had to explain this too me twice?  Hum, it seems you aren't all that different from myself.

Me, Myself & I

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