Monday, October 1, 2012

Slow Down. Children at Play.

Invitations for Thanksgiving came from all over,
but nothing seemed right.
It felt like passing the time rather than 
an adventure or a celebration.
So I looked to my own path.

The only thing that I could put my finger on was the direction -
I needed to head south.
Somewhere down there was where I needed to be.

So I went and followed my compass 
thinking I would retrace the steps of past adventures.
Possibly visiting 가거도 or 흑산도 again.

However the world had other plans.
In Mokpo a typhoon and an old man sent me in a new direction.
They said I needed to stay away from boats and find a safe harbor.
The old man found a map and said, "You should go here.  It is best."
Hesitant at first, I pushed past it and followed his advice.
When has a stranger ever steered me wrong?
So I caught the first bus to 증동리,
the first step to my final destination.

What I found there was nothing less than solitary perfection.
One of Korea's Slow Cities.

There is little to do there but:
and be thankful.

CLICK HERE to read more about Korea's Slow Cities.






I am forever thankful for the kindness of my Pension owners,
who welcomed me to their Thanksgiving table with open arms.

Disclaimer: I never plan ahead. When I travel I just show up and see what happens.  I do not book anything, reserve anything, or have any idea what will happen when I arrive.  When I did this trip I did it on bus and could not really speak any Korean apart from, "Can I have ____?" or "How much does it cost?"  It still worked out.  Korea is easy to travel in.  You wont die, the worst thing that will happen is that you will be mildly uncomfortable.

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